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S-650 M Manual shear


The shear for cutting sheets HM, type S-650 is a stable precision machine operated by hand, suitable for cutting metal, printed circuit boards, synthetic materials, etc.
The S-650 / M type has the same construction as the S-650 type. The difference is that the S-650 / M is driven by an electric motor and is designed for series production.
The two machines have as standard equipment an adjustable angle stop with a scale of degrees, adjustable angle metal stop with scale in mm. as well as sheet metal fastener. The S-650 / M is also provided with a lighting of the cutting line, which can be supplied as accessory equipment for the S-650 machine.







850x380x345 mm (87 Kg)

Standard packaging

Cutting length 650 mm

Max thickness 1.25 mm

Table 265 mm

Working height 172 mm

Weight 87 kg

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