Machining center with moving column and vertical spindle with 4 axis controlled by CNC including rotation of the clamp base which allows any angle ranging from -90 ° to + 90 ° in automatic working cycle.
-Motor HITECO of 5,5KW standard
-Quick change hand tool cone ISO30 pneumatically controlled;
-Automatic tool change with station for 4 tools (optionally 8 tools)
-4 pneumatic standard vices with manual positioning ( -Automatic positioning and more vices as option)
-Possibility to work aluminum, PVC, steel up to 4 mm and -stainless steel up to 3 mm with a specific accessory.
Axis movement and clamps rails with recirculating ballscrew and servodrive
Motion rotated clamp base by rail and wheels
Numerically controlled axes with 4 brushless motors
Transmission axis with tilted teeth rack and pinion
Start cycle with two-handed safety device
4 horizontal pneumatic clamps with low pressure device
Mist lubrification (emulsified oil)
Tool magazine cones ISO30
Vice jaws PVC adjustable using keys
Spindle motor driven by inverter
Swiveling console
USB 2.0 port on the control panel and ethernet RJ45 socket
Preinstalled barcode reader connection
NC - Industrial PC with Intel microprocessor
LCD display - TFT (800 x 600) color 10.4 "- touch screen
Operating system Windows XP Embedded RT
Software- 3D dimensional
Indication vice positioning software with reference line of metric
Power supply (treephase + neutral) 380/400 v 50/60hZ
Spindle drive phase 5,5kW
Spindle speed adjustable 2000-20000 RPM
Axis stroke X-Y-Z 3300 - 250 - 200 mm
Speed positioning axis X- Y-Z 65 - 25 -25 m/min
Tilt axis adjustable clamp base -90º ... +90º
Time rotation axis from 0 ... 90 ° 2 seconds
Tolerance positioning axes +/- 0,1mm
Capacity vice (bxh) 16x120 mm
Diameter cutter 10mm
Maximum diameter blade 140mm
Weight 1850 Kg